Proud to be a hindu
An American decided to write a bookabout famous churches around the> world.>> So he bought a plane ticket and tooka trip to china. On his firstday he> was inside a church takingphotographs when he noticed a goldentelephone> mounted on the wall with a sign thatread "$10,000 per call".>> The American, being intrigued, askeda priest who was strolling bywhat> the telephone was used for. Thepriest replied that it was a directline> to heaven and that for $10,000 youcould talk to God. The Americanthanked> the priest and went along his way.>> Next stop was in Japan. There, at avery large cathedral, he saw thesame> golden telephone with the same signunder it.>> He wondered if this was the samekind of telephone he saw in chinaand he> asked a nearby nun what its purposewas. She told him that it was adirect> line to heaven and that for $10,000he could talk to God. " O.K.,thank> you," said the American.>> He then traveled to Pakistan, SriLanka, Russia, Germany and France.>> In every church he saw the samegolden telephone with the same"$10,000> per call" sign under it. TheAmerican returned to America, and upon> leaving Vermont sometime laterdecided to travel to up to India tosee if> Indians had the same phone.>> He arrived in India, and again, inthe first temple he entered,there was> the same golden telephone, but thistime the sign under it read"One> Rupee per call.">> The American was surprised so heasked the priest about the sign.> "Pandit, I've traveled all overWorld and I've seen this same golden> telephone in many churches. I'm toldthat it is a direct line toHeaven,> but in the US the price was $10,000per call.>> Why is it so cheap here?"> The Pandit smiled andanswered, "You're in India now, son -it's alocal> call".>>> KEEP SMILING
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